Almost Monday Again

November 18, 2012

This weekend went by too quickly. Saturday morning started off mellow enough... 
But the rest of the day was a blur.  Quick trip to the gym, then dinner at Baby Bo's with some friends (best margaritas with fresh mango puree ever!).  The wait at the restaurant was much longer than we expected, and we had a play to catch at 8:15 p.m. (A Twist of Water), so half of our party rushed into a cab, while the rest of us raced to the 6 train (those of us on the subway got to the theater first!). The play was amazing, and we made it just in time!  We ended the night with drinks at the Hurricane Club.  I mean, how can you end a Saturday night without a drink in a coconut. 

Sunday started with brunch at Iris Cafe here in the Heights -- a definite favorite of mine.
Then Tyler and I walked around Brooklyn until I got too cold. I took some film shots, which I'll upload after they're developed.  I normally mail out my film for processing, but I'm looking for a local place in the city that doesn't charge a fortune and doesn't scratch my negatives.  Not sure one exists, but I'm hopeful.

Now its Sunday night...  At least I only have a 2-day work week!


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