Before It Felt Like 10° Below

January 24, 2013

I did not have a sinus infection.  I had the flu.  Which totally kicked my butt.  I haven't had the flu for probably a decade, which is great, but made me totally forgot how it can just simply end you.

In other news, its been FREEZING here in NYC.  It seriously hurts to be outside. I just can't survive in real cold weather.

In an attempt to forget about the biting cold outside, here are some pictures from the last day they had the Smorgasburg food fest in Dumbo (back when I thought it was cold because it dropped below 60°).  Its definitely worth checking out (its currently closed for the season but will return in April, along with normal temperatures!). Tyler typically loads up on all things beef, while I tend to sample every dessert booth available.

I mean, how could you pass up endless rows of booths filled with snacks and all sorts of yummy foods?!  You can't.


  1. Oh, it may be cold, but I love that top image :)

  2. i feel the exact same way right now here in boston---no matter how much i bundle up, it is just frigid out. your photos are beautiful, and i will take one of this little sandwiches right now please!

  3. I heared it's -4°F in NYC! My dad in law was in Newark last week and told me so this morning. That is crazy. When we visited over summer it was 100. That was pretty crazy too. Seems like so long ago, doesn't it? Oh, how I long for spring! x

  4. I keep hearing about how chilly it is in NY! Sending some warmth your way!! xx

  5. Beautiful photos! How I wish Singapore is as cold as NYC.
