back on the wagon

July 2, 2013

My blogging has been a little non-existent lately. I think it was from a lack of focus. And the winter. God I hate the winter.

So, new blog, new start, new focus (life + style). I was considering starting a fashion blog, maybe one where I showcase my favorite outfits or items I wish I could buy (next lifetime when I make millions of $$$). But, my wardrobe is somewhat limited, and I didn't want to lose the option of writing (rambling...) about life and whatever.

Speaking of, I just celebrated another birthday. I'm getting to the point in my life where I'm starting to feel old -- to the point that I want to tell people that I'm a couple years younger than I really am. I would've never guessed I would be that person. Of course, the problem is that most people already know my real age, so if I jump back a couple years, they're just going to tell me to get a life. The one benefit of getting older, and frequently mentioning that said aging is depressing, is that people give you awesome gifts. My mom, for example, bought the boy and me plane tickets back to Oregon. In the middle of summer, no less, so this was no small feat! The boy got me this:
Its amazing! Like, seriously. I plan on wearing it for the next year straight. We also purchased the fifth season of True Blood on Amazon Prime, so pretty much the best birthday ever.


March 9, 2013

Things have been insanely busy. I billed a ton of hours in February, and it looks like March won't be any different. And I've had no energy during the weekends. I could spend all weekend in my sweats watching endless episodes of Grey's Anatomy -- hibernation at its finest. But I did manage to lug myself off the couch and tour Philadelphia last weekend. I've driven through it countless times, but have never actually spent any time there. We were only there a little over a day, but I ate some incredible meals while I was there.

First stop, Federal Donuts, specializing in fried chicken and donuts (amazing!). The place was packed with hungover college students, but I did manage to take this lovely photo, which totally does the food justice, as you can see:

(50mm lens in a tiny cramped space is awesome!)

After stuffing our faces with deep-fried goodness, we walked around the frigid city (probably burning off 10% of the calories we just consumed).

(Despite the sign, there was a line to climb on the "big noodle sculpture.")

Best coffee in the city was right around the corner from our hotel.  Apparently they have locations in NYC, so I'm definitely going to have to check those out.

We ran up the Rocky Steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in Philadelphia, had incredible drinks at Village Whiskey, saw the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall.  And after all that, we also at dinner at Amada which was impeccable.  Perfect service and delicious tapas.  Finished the night at a dive bar in Old City, then to the hotel to crash.  

It was a great mini-vacation.

Before It Felt Like 10° Below

January 24, 2013

I did not have a sinus infection.  I had the flu.  Which totally kicked my butt.  I haven't had the flu for probably a decade, which is great, but made me totally forgot how it can just simply end you.

In other news, its been FREEZING here in NYC.  It seriously hurts to be outside. I just can't survive in real cold weather.

In an attempt to forget about the biting cold outside, here are some pictures from the last day they had the Smorgasburg food fest in Dumbo (back when I thought it was cold because it dropped below 60°).  Its definitely worth checking out (its currently closed for the season but will return in April, along with normal temperatures!). Tyler typically loads up on all things beef, while I tend to sample every dessert booth available.

I mean, how could you pass up endless rows of booths filled with snacks and all sorts of yummy foods?!  You can't.


January 10, 2013

(Angel Soft Ultra = total false advertisement)

I've had a runny nose for the past month.  Sometimes its really bad, and I can't find a time during the day when I'm not blowing my nose, and sometimes its only slight runny and more annoying that debilitating.  Today is one of those this-cold-is-gonna-kick-your-ass kind of days for me.

Everyone tells me to "go to the doctor" because "its probably a sinus infection," but I refuse.  And here's why.  I believe in two things (probably more, but just these two at this moment): (1) antibiotics will cause the end of the world, and (2) doctors get kickbacks for every Z-pack they prescribe.  But I have good news!  I went on WebMD this morning (which is just like a real doctor, thanks to the symptom checker, which doesn't get kickbacks for every antibiotic prescribed) and Dr. WebMD told me that most sinus infections can resolve themselves without antibiotics and that the drug may actually be harmful, especially if the infection's caused by a virus.

Music to my ears (or eyes, since this was read?).

I haven't been taking anything to help with the symptoms because I generally try to stay away from drugs (D.A.R.E. and all), but I think I might run down to the pharmacy and pick up some Sudafed.  Whatever this thing is, its has me defeated.

PS: Not-so-great photo for a not-so-great day, and I'm not even going to feel bad about it.

Two Thousand Thirteen!

January 6, 2013

Goodbye, 2012. I don't normally make New Year's resolutions, but this year I have a few "goals" in mind:
1. Try to get to bed earlier. I normally fall asleep after 11:30 p.m., then try waking up early to get to the gym and then work. I generally don't need much sleep, and feel groggy whenever I get 8+ hours. But my goal is to start getting more than 5.5 hours a night. I think reading before bed, instead of watching TV, will help.
2. Cut back on sugar. I have a serious sweet tooth. I can (and often) eat junk for breakfast! So yeah, it might be time to start limiting my intake.
3. Try not to sweat the small stuff. This is a tough one for me. I'm a worrier, a planner, and think-aheader. If something falls apart or doesn't go as planned, I struggle.
4. Redecorate the apartment. Over the years, I've accumulated quite an eclectic number of home furnishings. I would like things to look a little more consistent. More importantly, I need to eliminate clutter and keep up with the cleaning I've recently been tackling.

For #4, I've started by adding some greenery to my apartment and bought new bedding (West Elm is having a fabulous sale).

This little guy came from The Sill, an awesome shop that has low maintenance houseplants that can survive even the blackest thumb (me). Free delivery for those in New York -- what more can you ask for!