back on the wagon

July 2, 2013

My blogging has been a little non-existent lately. I think it was from a lack of focus. And the winter. God I hate the winter.

So, new blog, new start, new focus (life + style). I was considering starting a fashion blog, maybe one where I showcase my favorite outfits or items I wish I could buy (next lifetime when I make millions of $$$). But, my wardrobe is somewhat limited, and I didn't want to lose the option of writing (rambling...) about life and whatever.

Speaking of, I just celebrated another birthday. I'm getting to the point in my life where I'm starting to feel old -- to the point that I want to tell people that I'm a couple years younger than I really am. I would've never guessed I would be that person. Of course, the problem is that most people already know my real age, so if I jump back a couple years, they're just going to tell me to get a life. The one benefit of getting older, and frequently mentioning that said aging is depressing, is that people give you awesome gifts. My mom, for example, bought the boy and me plane tickets back to Oregon. In the middle of summer, no less, so this was no small feat! The boy got me this:
Its amazing! Like, seriously. I plan on wearing it for the next year straight. We also purchased the fifth season of True Blood on Amazon Prime, so pretty much the best birthday ever.


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